Shark Encounters
Florida's coastal waters are home to variety of shark species which makes it an ideal location experience these amazing animals up close and personal!
Some species you may see are Tiger, Bull, Lemon, Dusky, Silky, Sandbar, Nurse, Reef, Great Hammerhead, Scalloped Hammerhead! If you’re ready for a world-class opportunity to come face to face with sharks
in their natural environment then choose your trip and book today!
We offer several different excursions to meet a variety of comfort and skill levels.
Intro to shark diving is best for beginners or anyone who has not had the opportunity to dive with sharks!
Our two-tank shark trip is the perfect for the novice to experienced shark explorer. You will experience two dives on a wreck, reef, or blue water drift. Our professional shark handlers will bring the sharks in to give an up-close experience like no other!
​Can’t get enough? Then our three-tank excursion if what you have been looking for! Three incredible dives with a variety of species, get up close and personal with sharks on a reef, wreck, or blue water drift. Lunch will be provided on this trip!